Have you noticed the glass in your windows has gone foggy? Some people may say it is time to replace the whole window. Fortunately, that is not your only option.

Foggy glass windows occur when moisture penetrates the seal of the window. Generally, this happens in older windows because, over time, windows succumb to what’s known as solar pumping. This natural process involves the sun heating the window during the day and, when the temperature drops at night, the window cools. Through this process, air moves in and out of the window, essentially allowing it to breathe.

As the window breathes, the moisture in the air is absorbed by Silica desiccant material located in the window (this is the same material you find in those little “Do Not Eat” packets). Over time, the material will become saturated and will no longer be able to do its job.

Aside from being annoying, foggy windows are not energy efficient and will cost you more on your utility bills, as well as lead to stains and mold if not fixed.

We can get the fog out of your windows without changing the entire window. Whenever possible, we will replace the sealed unit of the window, a much less expensive option than complete window replacement.